Welcome to CAP's SHS Strongman Training

If you want to come down and flip tires with the "old man"... do so at your own risk, I am not your mommies (even if I am prettier than some of them). If I tell you to scram--do so. We all help each other and WE ALL CLEAN UP. Bring water and an indomitable will. Check the blog 1 hour before you come down if there is foul weather or just in case--stuff happens. Subscribe by email or blog-reader to get updates (so I don't get 50 texts everyday). And, P.S. Meditate...It is the true Strongman Training.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Greatest Enemy of My Training

The greatest enemy of my training, throughout my many years and years...and years of training, has not been the heavy weightloads or the lifting and running until I drop or puke...It has been the sitting -- The lounging or sitting at my job. My nemesis is the compression of my spine and tailbone, not from squatting 500 lb., but the couch ass from hours of gaming or sitting at my computer or sitting at work or getting the flu and being inert. 9/10ths of my back injuries have come from being stationary and then stretching or lifting 500 lb. not the lift but the stop start. I'm a bit of a video game junky (like calling John Belushi a recreational drug user). And that mixed with the hours I spend in a chair teaching, not good. And this is despite my walking 2 miles (at least a day at the beach with my wife and all the lifting, kayaking, swimming what have you. A man of extremes, yes I am. Always lacking a middle ground. As I get older, I truly have to take more breaks from my sitting and move around, not let my back crunch into powder as I sit and sit and sit, just waiting to spring up and tip over a Prius for fun. (My hernia even came from a poorly designed peice of equiptment but that injury followed hurting my back deadlifting after sitting and sitting following the flu). My vision too is suffering the same over use at the computer. So, to fight back against this toughest of opponents, Sloth, small incremental breaks in my inert states must be taken. Must, because there are trucks to pull and Atlas Stones to be lifted, which I can't do with a nagging back injury. Get after it ALL THE TIME!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Strongman is BACK ON...SUN'S OUT- GUNS OUT!

Strongman is BACK ON...SUN'S OUT- GUNS OUT!
Rain's has gone away. LET'S GO!

Yeah, No Strongman...Rainin again

Yeah No Strongman Thursday today, it's rainin, again. I think Thor's jealous of how strong we are getting.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Strongman Thursday 2:30 (Unless It Rains...Again)

Strongman Thursday 2:30 pm SHS unless it rains...Again.
(Sifu Alex Richter posted this pic and article on IP MAN. Go to his page to read more.)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Jump for Joy! it's Strongman Sunday. 10 am.

Strongman Sunday 10 am. Coming from NJ. So, if I am late, start storming the castle without me.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Strongman Thursday 5/16 2:30 SHS

Strongman Thurs. 5/16 2:30 pm @ SHS. Bring water and a big pair of....

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Old School T's Now Available for Purchase!

OKAY! So I updated the Old School 2008 Jerseys to 2013! 
Just got mine and it looks awesome! 
*******MAKE SURE YOU "CUSTOMIZE" (Click Customize button) the shirt!!! 
1. Turn the shirt around by clicking VIEWS beneath main picture before you order!!! 
2. And change 'Coach CAP' to YOUR NAME (ex. Coach Eugene, or Steven)********
3. CLICK on 'COACH CAP on the shirt and retype your name in the box and make sure it's ***centered!*
4. Put in YOUR SIZE! It is set for XX LARGE. Change to Your Size!
5. Save and Order. (You can customize it any way you want on the back just make sure not to screw with the Front Picture!)
6. If you have trouble let me know I'll walk you through it. (Must be on a black shirt.)
I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE if you screw up or if Zazzle screws up...sorry. So if you are confused ask for help! 

Strongman T OLD SCHOOL 2013

No Strongman Today...Rainin!

Rainin...No Strongman. Sunday is Momma's Day...Will have to see if I can make it. Stay Tuned. Yes I have a Mother... No she's not a Yeti. Well I was adopted so...maybe my birth mother...

Friday, May 3, 2013

Strongman Sun. 5/5 10am-12pm I have to leave early

Sunday Strongman 10 am to 12pm. I have to leave early. So plan accordingly! You can stay and play with the equipt outside the Locker and do push hands, run stairs, etc. after I leave...but I gotta go.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Strongman Thursday 2:30 5/2

STRONGMAN 2:30 shs 5/2