The Day started with a lot of car wrangling to get everyone in. Carol and her friend rode their bikes, though there was a slight accident and Carol had to Wing Tsun someone's Labrador retriever or something. I almost ran poor Wendy over with my car, she wedged my door... I am sending you the bill, lady!
And after a shaky start the party went off without a hitch. My lovely wife Susanne and her friend Kelsey from NYC helped chauffeur and prep. Then we had to phone-navigate Dom on his Old Greenwich adventure to get him to the party... Next, the reason this merry band comes together everyday in the first place... Si Hing Elliot lead us in a sweet Wing Tsun class in the sunshine and whispering trees of Tod's Point. Very picturesque. Si Jei, almost chopped my throat, (she likes to let us all know who is really in charge). When we were done Tony and his family rolled in. Justin crying out: "The British are coming...the British are coming..." Brendan replied, "then I guess the food won't be so good this year." Oh, we all laughed. Harry proceeded to chase the two jokesters up a tree.
Anyway, then on to the food...which was grrreat. We had burgers and turkey burgers and veggie burgers and hot dogs and snausages (smoked hot beef sausages). Carol made these AMAZING chili shrimp kabobs. We had roast peppers and veggies, tons of salad, tons of beer (right Dom), tons of gooood eatin. My favorites were the snausage on a New England hot dog bun with cheese and fried onions and garlic and Carol's shrimp sticks...I must have eaten 200 of them... Oy my girlish figure.
Following round one of the food... there was swimming, Well I swam. Jason got in a bit too. Si Hing and Dom and Jim just hid when I told them they were all getting in with me. I don't blame them, I look like something that should stay in the sea when I swim, not come out on dry land. Ron with Baccardi in hand and Green Lantern ring on finger, took Si Jei, Wendy and the boys and Flow and Mai for a walk around Tod's Point to his secret garden. I was too scared to go. Dom and Jimmy and his bro went for a walk on the beach to try and get the bro's some ladiesssss. Dom scared them all away, most had never seen a black man before and they kept asking him to get them drinks or they just clutched their purses and shook. Tony and his Euro-crew of course played to us "across the ponders". Si Hing kept us in stitches with his stories. And the day was geeeorgous. Tyler and Chris fought a 2 foot bass for 4 hours that they nick-named "Gad-dangit" because it took all their bait, flipped them off with its fin and then the fish came to eat with us while they still hunted for it down by the water, screaming: of course, "Gad-dangit!" We had desert and round two of food after that, cakes and pies. There was more Wing Tsun, Dom worked on his Pak Da defense—a lot. I showed him how the beach looks upside-down. Wendy's hubby Jerry showed up for the final hour and helped me learn the fine art of taking the bag off the charcoal before you put it in the grill. Brendan, Justin, Harry and I went for a final dip in the ocean. Justin got in just far enough in the chilly October waters to scream out "My nuts!" And it was time to go before the Old Greenwich police started checking all the Asian's green cards... and Dom's rap sheet.
Then it was back to hacienda CAP with all of our food and bodies stuffed into our few cars like something you would see at the circus. We had a few more pops on my front lawn by candlelight.
The last sight I saw as the night came to a close... from out of my second-story den window was Dom slapped on the hood of a squad car while Jimmy and his brother strolled away with a few of the Old Greenwich dance troop Carol and her friend riding their bikes merrily into a parked car, Wendy avoiding mine, and Si Hing and his crew laughing and shaking their heads as they drove away.
The End (Thanks was fun!) Gad-dangit we forgot to flip tires! Okay everyone back here! No seriously! Get back here! Where's everyone going?