Bodhidarma |
Wing Tsun Kung Fu Test for Level 2 today. I have been taking Wing Tsun since March 2011 when they closed the football field and I couldn't do Strongman. I have been hooked ever since. Wing Tsun Kung Fu is Bruce Lee's original Martial art that he trained in before coming to the states and inventing his own Jeet Kun Do. It is a short cut past all other styles, linear, yet adaptive, brutal, yet soft, and quite engaging for the mind and body. The style was invented by women to overcome bigger stronger opponents. A great workout as well. My School is Club Kung Fu - CT Wing Tsun in Springdale, CT. My teacher's name is Si-Hing Elliot Leung. If you met the guy on the street you would never know he could kick your arse six-ways to Sunday in under 7 seconds and then go have a burrito without thinking twice about it. Well, today is test day for level 2 which means I am a NOVICE. There is so much to know even at Level 2 but I think I am up for it. When I took my Level One 3 months back it was the first test I had taken since grad school in 1990. Very nerve wracking. Hopefully there will be less butterflies this time. I have a good crew of Si-Hing and Si-Dai and Si-Je and Si-Mui who help me to overcome my "old-manisms", (you can't do well in the art without good partners to train with) not to mention my instructor is first rate so if anything goes wrong and I do not pass... the fault will be mine. Well faithful readers, (all 3 of you jobless beauticians in Starbucks) I will let you know how it went tonight or tomorrow.
"The greatest test is a man's knowledge of himself."
(Cap-ism #5: Never touch yourself during said test or you will be removed from the class forcefully.)