Nutty Stone Day. The tacky was freezing off in crystals as you touched the cold stone. But at 46... still reppin that bad boy.
CAPSTRONG.COM: Stayin' Young With Strongman Trainin', Ocean Swimmin', Wing-Tsun-Kung-Fu-in', Wearin' Shorts in the Winterin' and Zen Philosophisin'. Yeah BABY! CAPSTRONG.COM.
Welcome to CAP's SHS Strongman Training
If you want to come down and flip tires with the "old man"... do so at your own risk, I am not your mommies (even if I am prettier than some of them). If I tell you to scram--do so. We all help each other and WE ALL CLEAN UP. Bring water and an indomitable will. Check the blog 1 hour before you come down if there is foul weather or just in case--stuff happens. Subscribe by email or blog-reader to get updates (so I don't get 50 texts everyday). And, P.S. Meditate...It is the true Strongman Training.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Stone pushed until 16th
Hey Gang. Coach D has football tickets this weekend and I might stay in Jersey will let you know. That means Stone is on the 16th I think. Spread the word.
Okay. This is Awesome for snowy day flipping
Who has the cash for this. Comon lets go..... fork it up.
Who has the cash for this. Comon lets go..... fork it up.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Birthday Bizarre Week Cont. Thanks!
Hey Strong peoples. Got the shower fixed finally (4 days... I was starting to wilt the plants). But back is out from deadlifting in prep for the stones so that will be postponed from this Sunday until maybe two Sundays out to make sure I'm all good. So hard remembering that Strongman and life are marathons not sprints (as my buddy kevin Jones was always so fond of saying). So... No strongman today and we'll see about Sunday. Thanks for all the big Birthday shout outs.
A wiser man than me once said...
"The Wise seek, but Fools know."
Well this fool is wise enough to know that he has a lot to be thankful for, and a lot of friends and family to be thankful for as well.
Love you all,
46 and counting: Cap
A wiser man than me once said...
"The Wise seek, but Fools know."
Well this fool is wise enough to know that he has a lot to be thankful for, and a lot of friends and family to be thankful for as well.
Love you all,
46 and counting: Cap
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
930 Sunday Strongman
9:30 Strongman. Gonna be chilly. Getting the stone trainer out because the stone will be out next week for 'old man day'. Birthday is officially on Thursday (23rd) but we'll stone on Sunday.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Too Nice out. Going to the Beach Today
Too Nice Out. Going to the Beach Today.
Strongman Wed. if its not raining and Friday.
Strongman Wed. if its not raining and Friday.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Friday, October 10, 2014
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Strongman is Thursday & friday
Okay. Strongman will be Thursday and Friday. Out early today and still catching up on sleep.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Strongman will be Wednesday and Thursday this week (Maybe Fri.) after school.
Strongman will be Wednesday and Thursday this week (Maybe Fri.) after school. Still sweating out my cold from Sri Lanka and jet-lagged. Craaaazzzzy travel.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Back from Sri Lanka
Okay. Just rolled in last night after 2 days of travel to get back from beautiful Sri Lanka. 6 hour cross country car ride a 5 hour flight and a 13.5 hour flight).Thanks for picking up the Strongman slack, Coaches Dillon Burns and Paul Northrop! Wont make it today. See you Tuesday and on and on. Did do some Strongman training in Sri Lanka. Helped Fishermen pull in their nets for 2 hours, photos to come.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Washed Out Sunday - No Strongman Today
No Strongman Today. Looks like a Washout. I will be gone Until Oct. 4th so any coach who can run Strongman Next two weekends will post on Facebook.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Friday, September 19, 2014
Thursday, September 18, 2014
The master Wong show 41 - What are your personal feelings on bruce lee, ...
Best video advice ever given by Master Wong: 'When you don't know about another system, or another person's training... Keep your Gob shut!' Wise, wise words.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Under-Overs... Great New Superset
Straight-bar curl 135 x 10 reps then immediately superset 135 x 10 hang clean.
Do 3 sets. Cheat if necessary.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
90 year old Hung Kuen Master Leung Daiyau performs the Snake guiding the...
The beauty and power and fluidity this man has, nevermind his age...that's a bonus... makes me want to learn this style!
Strongman Today @ 2:30-3:30ish
Strongman today @ 2:30ish to 3:30ish. New guys if you show up, you clean up! Otherwise you cannot come back. There is no screwing around at strongman, as a 650 pound tire can fall on your junk and kill you at any time. This makes for good Youtube clips, but we frown on it. COme to work or just watch.
卢式心意六合拳入门 Lu style XinYi Liuhe Quan - introduction
Fascinating. I love all forms the human body achieves, conceives, to empower, protect, or enlighten itself.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Love when guys try and fight AFTER being caught for roids...
Love when guys who roid up get caught and have to compete without them.
Overeeem with Roids 1-0
Without 0-3
Love when guys who roid up get caught and have to compete without them.
Overeeem with Roids 1-0
Without 0-3
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Warrior Poet Philosopher:Mr. Bruce Lee.
Bruce Lee's daughter posted this journal entry from dad. It reads: "Look to this day, for it is life. The very life of life. Within its brief span, lies all the verities and realities of your existence. The bliss of growth. The glory of action. The splendor of beauty. For yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is but a vision. But, today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day."
I strive to be, this. I get lost in the fogs of the everyday but then realize that the fog is part of it as well.
I strive to be, this. I get lost in the fogs of the everyday but then realize that the fog is part of it as well.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Summer has passed, School is here! Fall FLIPPIN TIME!
Summer moves quickly on (though the temp. is fighting sleep). Ended the summer greatly with many 9 am workout/ CAPFU workouts with Rudy and a few diesel nights with Coach Paul that included WOOD SPLITTING! I will post what I can of pix. Site was offline and I was relaxing so will catch up for ya.
Workouts will be 9 am Sundays and Tuesdays and Thursdays after school (2:30) unless noted. (None today. First day of school and all...)
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Battling ANOTHER summer cold... so...
Trying to battle off ANOTHER summer cold. So, I cannot make it to Strongman today. If any other coaches are going to be there, please post on my facebook. Grrr.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Starting at 9ish. David Caplan If we are not on the field we are in the SHS PARKING LOT behind the baseball field pulling the truck! COME ON DOWN! Walk from strongman straight across the football field, across the softball field and you will see us.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Monday, July 14, 2014
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Okay, STILL have a cold
No SUnday for me. I think Coach Dillon will be there at 9 am? But I cannot make it. CHeck my Facebook to see if any other coaches say they will be there. Enjoy the day.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Father's Day
Taking a break today after all the CHALLENGE fun from yesterday. Drove to NJ after the event with Susanne Lara Ruppert to spend Father's day with my wonderful father-in-law and great friend Martin Ruppert. So if any of the other coaches wants to run it today go for it. If not... make time for your father's! I lost mine a long time ago and I am lucky to have such a great father-in-law, but I wish I could have done more for mine while he was here. So be a true STRONGMAN and make it a special day for him. Thanks again for the phenomenal turnout and the amazing sportsmanship yesterday!
Challenge was a HUGE Success! Tons of fun!
What a day! Wolf Pack (Football Team) WON. first prize. Tons of fun, tons of challenges. Thanks so much to the SHS Athletic Association volunteers, and Jim Moriarty, Tod Parness Jamar Greene and Adam Scianna. Thanks to Coaches, Eugene Bolsius Turonis,Samantha Krom, Mike Katcher, and my Beautiful wife,Susanne Lara Ruppert. Thanks to Sponsors, Upwardly Global,, DECA, New Wave Seafood, and Club Kung Fu for the awesome prizes! I couldn't have done it without all the support. What a day!
Friday, June 13, 2014
It's finally here!
June 14th (tomorrow) 9 AM @ Boyle Stadium - Stamford High
Coaches I will be there @ 7am. Try to get there as early as possible to help set up and receive instructions.
Participants and Spectators: Free T-shirt to all participants until they run out. No registration fee. Sign ins are at 9:00 am -
Not on a team? Come down anyway and we will try to squeeze you in.
Prizes to top 3 teams - They include:
$90 Coupon to BLUE STREAK each
1 Month of Kung Fu training at each
1 - 2 Hour Private Team Strongman Training with CAPSTRONG.COM
Fish & Chips from New Wave Seafood
Prepare! See you out there.
June 14th (tomorrow) 9 AM @ Boyle Stadium - Stamford High
Coaches I will be there @ 7am. Try to get there as early as possible to help set up and receive instructions.
Participants and Spectators: Free T-shirt to all participants until they run out. No registration fee. Sign ins are at 9:00 am -
Not on a team? Come down anyway and we will try to squeeze you in.
Prizes to top 3 teams - They include:
$90 Coupon to BLUE STREAK each
1 Month of Kung Fu training at each
1 - 2 Hour Private Team Strongman Training with CAPSTRONG.COM
Fish & Chips from New Wave Seafood
Prepare! See you out there.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Challenge T-Shirt Front - No More Entrance FEE!
Helloooooo Strongmen and Athletically Challenged. Here is the design for our competition T-SHIRT coming up on the 14th. All participants will receive a t-shirt, while supplies last, so get your butts out there on June 14th @ 9 am and at least get a cool free shirt!
(Come early and warm up! Bring sunscreen!)
PS. the Athletic Council has waved the ENTRY FEE! So no more excuses!
PSS. Just come down and watch! If you're afraid of large objects - just bring your family and friends and cheer our participants on.
PSSS. All volunteers, the earlier you can be there the better and thanks in advance! Bring munchies and water! Might be hot.
JUNE 14th @ 9am at Stamford High in BOYLE STADIUM.
(Come early and warm up! Bring sunscreen!)
PS. the Athletic Council has waved the ENTRY FEE! So no more excuses!
PSS. Just come down and watch! If you're afraid of large objects - just bring your family and friends and cheer our participants on.
PSSS. All volunteers, the earlier you can be there the better and thanks in advance! Bring munchies and water! Might be hot.
JUNE 14th @ 9am at Stamford High in BOYLE STADIUM.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Okay, PRIZES for Strongman Athletic Performance Challenge Winners so far: For each member of your team:
1 month of free Kung Fu at Connecticut WingTsun ( (Thanks to Si Fu Elliot Leung ).
$100 coupons toward training at Blue Streak (thanks Alex Joseph!).
1 personal STRONGMAN training day with your team with me @ CAPSTRONG.COM.
A coupon for some post workout fish and chips from New Age Seafood in Springdale from Coach Dillon Burns .
Tell me again why you can't get a team together?
PS. Can't get 6-10 people. Come down with 3-4 and you should be xtra tired but good to win!
1 month of free Kung Fu at Connecticut WingTsun ( (Thanks to Si Fu Elliot Leung ).
$100 coupons toward training at Blue Streak (thanks Alex Joseph!).
1 personal STRONGMAN training day with your team with me @ CAPSTRONG.COM.
A coupon for some post workout fish and chips from New Age Seafood in Springdale from Coach Dillon Burns .
Tell me again why you can't get a team together?
PS. Can't get 6-10 people. Come down with 3-4 and you should be xtra tired but good to win!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
Putting Together Events Soon/ Scoring
Putting together EVENTS for the Strongman Athletic Performance Challenge now.
Most likely going to consist of (depending on how many teams) CIRCUITS with 3 TEAM-BASED EXERCISES within each circuit. Each circuit will contain:
1. Strength Exercise
1. Agility Exercise
1. Speed Exercise
For example: Using 6 of your teammates - complete the following exercises for time:
1. (Strength) Flip the 1/4 Telephone Pole 30 yards (May use more than one teammate).
2. (Agility) Using three teammates: Throw a car tire 10 yards 15 times
3. (Speed) Using three teammates: Complete 30 yards of suicides
All these will be for 1 time score, you cannot start one exercise until you are done with the last. When your team is through with all three exercises you get a time. (For example 3 minutes 23 seconds)
The score will take your team's time on each event and match it against all other teams score at that circuit.
Each score will be ranked and given TALLY POINTS:
10 TALLY POINTS for First Place Time per Circuit
9 TALLY POINTS for 2nd Place
8 TALLY POINTS for 3rd etc.
BUT -- there will also be **BONUS** points per circuit:
For example: In the previous Circuit: If only 1 person flips the 1/4 TELEPHONE POLE your team gains
an additional BONUS POINT for the Circuit + what ever TALLY POINTS
your team receives. OR if you are supposed to throw the tire 10 yards 15 times and at least 5 of your throws go 20 yards you might receive an extra BONUS POINT - or more!
The Circuit Judge will make you aware of BONUS OPPORTUNITIES.
At the end the team with the best combined TALLY + BONUS POINTS WINS!
Strategy: Use the strengths and weaknesses of your teams well! This is a TEAM-BASED CHALLENGE.
See you out there JUNE 14th - 9 AM - BOYLE STADIUM SHS
Most likely going to consist of (depending on how many teams) CIRCUITS with 3 TEAM-BASED EXERCISES within each circuit. Each circuit will contain:
1. Strength Exercise
1. Agility Exercise
1. Speed Exercise
For example: Using 6 of your teammates - complete the following exercises for time:
1. (Strength) Flip the 1/4 Telephone Pole 30 yards (May use more than one teammate).
2. (Agility) Using three teammates: Throw a car tire 10 yards 15 times
3. (Speed) Using three teammates: Complete 30 yards of suicides
All these will be for 1 time score, you cannot start one exercise until you are done with the last. When your team is through with all three exercises you get a time. (For example 3 minutes 23 seconds)
The score will take your team's time on each event and match it against all other teams score at that circuit.
Each score will be ranked and given TALLY POINTS:
10 TALLY POINTS for First Place Time per Circuit
9 TALLY POINTS for 2nd Place
8 TALLY POINTS for 3rd etc.
BUT -- there will also be **BONUS** points per circuit:
For example: In the previous Circuit: If only 1 person flips the 1/4 TELEPHONE POLE your team gains
an additional BONUS POINT for the Circuit + what ever TALLY POINTS
your team receives. OR if you are supposed to throw the tire 10 yards 15 times and at least 5 of your throws go 20 yards you might receive an extra BONUS POINT - or more!
The Circuit Judge will make you aware of BONUS OPPORTUNITIES.
At the end the team with the best combined TALLY + BONUS POINTS WINS!
Strategy: Use the strengths and weaknesses of your teams well! This is a TEAM-BASED CHALLENGE.
See you out there JUNE 14th - 9 AM - BOYLE STADIUM SHS
Strongman Sign Up Sheets will be out Next Week

14, 2014 @ 9:00 AM - Boyle Stadium
The First
NEED: 6-10 TEAMMATES - $10 per person (or
Sponsor's Check for the same amount with a .JPG from the Sponsor for the
t-shirt – Make all checks payable to: Stamford
High Athletic Association)
TEAM NAME:_______________________________________________
NAMES: High School
t-shirt size
2. _________________________ _______________________________ _______
10._________________________ _______________________________ _______
SPONSOR'S NAME: ______________________ ____________________ ___.JPG Included?
Amount Paid Total: _______________________
Mr. CAP -- Mr.
Moriarty -- Ms. Burns – Mr. Parness – Boy’s PE Office
email: Mr. Cap:
Mr. Moriarty:
Thursday, May 22, 2014
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