Welcome to CAP's SHS Strongman Training

If you want to come down and flip tires with the "old man"... do so at your own risk, I am not your mommies (even if I am prettier than some of them). If I tell you to scram--do so. We all help each other and WE ALL CLEAN UP. Bring water and an indomitable will. Check the blog 1 hour before you come down if there is foul weather or just in case--stuff happens. Subscribe by email or blog-reader to get updates (so I don't get 50 texts everyday). And, P.S. Meditate...It is the true Strongman Training.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Move Over for Now

Hey Capstrong Freaks... SO sorry I have been absent for a while. I have been named Strength and Conditioning Coach over at SHS. So most Blogging has moved for now over to shsstrong.blogspot.com. Sundays will resume shortly, hopefully. Though we have some big changes coming up... Stay Tuned for that.

If you are a Student coming on a Sunday you need a BLUE CARD from your nurse and doctor! Speaking of doctors.......

Talk Soon,

Monday, September 28, 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Meditation in Motion at Strongman

It is called 'Zen and the Art of Tire Flippin' for a reason.

One of my greatest joys at Strongman is to watch someone struggling to flip our 650 tire - they are grunting and groaning, holding their breath, teeth clenched to breaking point, shaking, all psyched up and there it is... the tire slowly passes perpendicular and heads for sunset. 'Thump!'

Such fulfillment in their faces, maybe a fist-pump... awesome - a great day in the yard - dramatic, self empowering, gains made, ego boosted... so cool - BUT...

What's an even better moment, for me anyways, is when the 'Zen' in the Art of Tire Flippin' is revealed to them. When after much struggle a different technique blows in on a wind. They discover that by relaxing and breathing out slowly, using their dan tien (lower abdomen), focusing so the entire body moves smoothly at once - how the same accomplishment could have been done while calmly talking about the weather. No Drama. And this peaceful power allows them to do much more. No energy is wasted on clenching and huffing and screaming and tension - the 650 lb tire goes over like it was flowing out to sea, carried by waves.

I am the first person to tell you to "YAWLP" when hammering, maxing a dead lift, etc. it is so much barbarian fun!

But when all is said and done, the slow beat of water and wind can topple mountains just as well as dynamite, and uses much less energy - but it requires a lot more patience.

At Strongman we try to have Yin and Yang flow together so that one can be -
The Thunderous Storm and It's Calm Eye...at the same time.

It all starts and ends with breathing.

Good luck on your journey.

Rainy Week Stay Tuned for dates.

Deadlift/Squat/Strongman Sunday with Coaches Big D & Katcher

 Great Day in the Yard with Big D & Katcher. After loosening up Big D & I Straight Leg Deadlifts, Katch did Front Squats. Then Dillon & I Back Squats, Katch Front Squatted. Then we moved to the 650 lb. Tire for 20's. Getting back in fighting shape - Dillon is trying for a 500 lb PR Deadlift soon, and Katcher competes in Olympic lifts. I've known these guys since they were in high school like 15 years ago and the gains they both have made are awesome. Perseverance and technique their mantra. Stone should come out in May again. Get ready.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Strong Bunny Sunday @ 9am

Strongman Friday was just Rudy and I but good. Sunday @ 9 for strong bunny.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Great day yesterday but raining today...

Great day yesterday with the SHS Track Team dropping by for a workout. But raining today so I am going to say no go for this morning (Friday). 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Flashback Friday - Our Bag

Flashback Friday - Who remembers the day we first took our 100 pound bag to new heights?
Or remembers this Strongman? (Miss you kid!)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Indra Opens His Eyes... (Joseph Campbell)

Hopefully you read the post below this one, and then try this on for size. Joseph Campbell is one of my heroes.


Pondering... Strongman Mind

So we don't just inspire explosive and powerful bodies but minds as well. So here is some heavy lifting I was doing while sitting listening to some of my students sing a love song to Domino's Pizza:

I felt the need to re-read one of my favorite short stories on AI and Entropy - to keep my brain from suffering anymore entropy.


After this I followed up, the Issac Asimov classic by finding this essay on the consciousness of artificial intelligence.


Wonder Women!

I often would like to change the name of our Strongman Group to something other than Strong'MAN,' --well for the main reason that my wife is ten times as 'Strong' as me but also because we have had so many strong wo-men (Coach SAM!) come to Strongman and make us boys look foolish. But alas, when I say Strength Training instead most people aren't as: 'OOoooh, I want to try that' as hearing they have access to low or no cost 'Strongman' training with all the toys, etc. So... until that changes we are 'Strongman' with a not silent WO in the center of that word. And for all of us who want another reason... check out this: (And think of this next time you want to make excuses about getting out there and doing it!)

'Be like Water My Friend...'

'Be like water my friend,' a quote attributed to Bruce Lee but it comes from Eastern thinking. This though is a truism for Martial Arts, Strongman and Athletics and Life. Most of all life in general. Water is Life. And with that in mind, here now (thanks to my wife for turning me onto this) is another 'TRUE Strongman.'


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Strongman Today after School (Tues)

Strongman Today after School, Tuesday 2:35, 3/24.

Pix from Sunday: Great 2nd Strongman of the season with Newb Big Greg, Rudy, Zack and Coach Chris.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Sunday Strongman 3/22 10 am

Snow be damned! Sunday Strongman, might have to pull the truck again if the field still not ready but it is awesome so WHO CARES! Lezzz GO! 10 am.

If we are not on the football field we are in the student parking lot.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Truck Pullin!

Back in action at Strongman the gang was pulling our 4x4. Tons of fun had by all. One of my dearest friends Brian Miske and his son Bren joined us from NJ for the festivities.
Here is Coach Sam showing the boys how to do it.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Strongman Sunday! 3/15

Let's Pull the TRUCK on Sunday @ 10 am. Meet on the football field and we'll go over after. If we are not on the field meet us in the Student's Parking lot.

Friday, January 16, 2015

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2015 Strongman Sunday 10:30ish

  Happy New Year! 2015. Wow. Thought I would be half machine by now as a kid, flying a flying car to the moon and connected to the web by a chip in my brain. Well no. Though I am 1/80th pig and when I pick up the stone I get dizzy and feel like I am flying to the moon... Any way... Time to get back out there and show those inanimate objects that we mean business!
STRONGMAN SUNDAY 10:30ish - Weather permitting! 
(It might rain)