Welcome to CAP's SHS Strongman Training

If you want to come down and flip tires with the "old man"... do so at your own risk, I am not your mommies (even if I am prettier than some of them). If I tell you to scram--do so. We all help each other and WE ALL CLEAN UP. Bring water and an indomitable will. Check the blog 1 hour before you come down if there is foul weather or just in case--stuff happens. Subscribe by email or blog-reader to get updates (so I don't get 50 texts everyday). And, P.S. Meditate...It is the true Strongman Training.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Heroes, True Heroes (Tales of Shu-Shu and Shi-Shi)

I was speaking with my student and friend, Ezra in class about the question I wanted to ask President Obama, and he too said with a start: "Yeah...who are our American Heroes now?" This discussion, as do all one's of importance, got me reading some of my favorite books in search of...insight, inspiration what have you and I stumbled across this in "Hey I'm Eating That!" by Shu-Shu and Shi-Shi: the fat bodhisattva and his giant husky friend from ancient China:

Shi-Shi to Shu-Shu after Shu-Shu saved a wine merchant's shipment from floating away downstream...but then demanded it as a reward in return for his good deed.
"Listen up, fat man! Heroes, true heroes, are supposed to be the-the-the helping hand you never know is there. They-they sacrifice with no (sniff) expectation of reciprocation, no robes with their picture, no scroll deals, no warm fuzzy glow. (sniff-sniff) True heroes usually die poor and alone but don't care because their cause was their reward...and...are you listening to me? (sniff-sniff-sniff) What the hell is burning?"
"Yeah, yeah, t-shirt and three picture deal. I'm in...just hold that thought, mutt. --Hey! I'll put that fire out for you dumpling maker...if you'll give me the cart in return!"
"Whut the--? Are those matches behind your back? Get back here, blimpy!"