Welcome to CAP's SHS Strongman Training

If you want to come down and flip tires with the "old man"... do so at your own risk, I am not your mommies (even if I am prettier than some of them). If I tell you to scram--do so. We all help each other and WE ALL CLEAN UP. Bring water and an indomitable will. Check the blog 1 hour before you come down if there is foul weather or just in case--stuff happens. Subscribe by email or blog-reader to get updates (so I don't get 50 texts everyday). And, P.S. Meditate...It is the true Strongman Training.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Question I Asked President Obama on Yahoo Answers

Here is what I submitted to ask President Obama on Yahoo Answers:
"As a boy growing up in the 70's and 80's, most of us wanted to be Thurman Munson or Roger Staubach; american atheletes who still just played for the love of the game--but all of us, even if secretly, even the girls, dreamed of becoming our best of the best--we all wanted to be NASA astronauts and take to the stars. Now, skip ahead to 2012 when most professional athelets only play for a bigger check, and all of us expected to be living on the moon, even mars, and clearly we are not... My question Mr. President is: with the heart-breaking loss of the shuttle program and no clear replacement in site, who is left for our children to aspire to as 21st century citizens of the United States? Who will now fire the furnace of their imagination and give them reasons to soar? All they are left with is: make money or else you will be part of the 99%. So, President Obama, who are our American heroes now?"