Welcome to CAP's SHS Strongman Training

If you want to come down and flip tires with the "old man"... do so at your own risk, I am not your mommies (even if I am prettier than some of them). If I tell you to scram--do so. We all help each other and WE ALL CLEAN UP. Bring water and an indomitable will. Check the blog 1 hour before you come down if there is foul weather or just in case--stuff happens. Subscribe by email or blog-reader to get updates (so I don't get 50 texts everyday). And, P.S. Meditate...It is the true Strongman Training.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


ATTENTION Coaches, we are hammering out the final details for a Stamford High Strongman Competition for SHS, Westhill, and Catholic on June 14th, Saturday at 9am.

We might finally get on the map and be legit. Trying to make this an SHS tradition and then extend it out to the FCIAC next year. Stay tuned for details, but I will need all hands on deck that day if you can, so please set it aside now. And if you could attend the next Sundays leading up to it to plan and discuss the event with me, I will need MUCHO, help, that would be awesome!

As always, so grateful,

Any questions, suggestions, call me or email me!