Welcome to CAP's SHS Strongman Training

If you want to come down and flip tires with the "old man"... do so at your own risk, I am not your mommies (even if I am prettier than some of them). If I tell you to scram--do so. We all help each other and WE ALL CLEAN UP. Bring water and an indomitable will. Check the blog 1 hour before you come down if there is foul weather or just in case--stuff happens. Subscribe by email or blog-reader to get updates (so I don't get 50 texts everyday). And, P.S. Meditate...It is the true Strongman Training.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Eagle Has Landed (Zen Commentary)


Eagle Crashes Into Skydiver's Parachute

Skydiver Vladimir Tsar'kov captured dramatic video of an eagle that became entangled in his parachute during a jump over the Himalayas. Despite a rough landing, both Tsar’kov and the bird were okay.
I thought I was having a bad day yesterday... well I guess mine kind of went like this guys only without the cool parachuting over the Himalayas and the eagle. Well, okay my day sucked, but I didn't resort to "anger". I kept my cool like the parachuter. A good day. Not Zen-pretty...but I didn't take the bait to rage. Anyway. Rough landing, but still here. Amazing how the brain tells you you are a puska when you don't just dead punch some wise-arse in the face. All the scenarios play over and over as to what you "should have done" still though. Stupid brain. Guess that's why we practice our Zen. To detatch, to not become emotional in minor conflicts or major for that matter. A great man once said "Anytime you lash out in anger you have lost the fight, whether you win or not...you have lost." Yesterday I did not lose. And the parachuter did not lose. And the guy who said the anger quote was one bad-arse samurai. Anyway...cool eagle-parachute video...have fun and stay cool.